Episode # 40

AI in Veterinary Medicine: Exploring Current Applications and Future Potential

In this insightful conversation, Sebastian shares his journey from serial entrepreneur to founding Digitail, driven by a pivotal moment in a veterinary practice that exposed the inefficiencies of outdated systems. He discusses Digitail’s innovative approach to integrating AI into practice management, enhancing efficiency, and improving patient care.

Key discussion points include:

  • Introduction to Digitail: Sebastian introduces Digitail, an all-in-one practice management system leveraging AI to streamline operations and enhance patient care.
  • AI Applications: They delve into specific AI applications such as dictation for medical records, personalized client communications, and streamlined patient intake processes.
  • Challenges and Considerations: The conversation covers challenges like AI hallucinations and data privacy concerns in healthcare settings.
  • Practical Benefits: Sebastian highlights real-world benefits seen in practices using Digitail, including significant time savings and enhanced productivity.


  • 00:00 – 01:55Introduction
    • Naren introduces the podcast and today’s guest, Sebastian, a serial entrepreneur, educator, TED speaker, and co-founder of Digitail.
    • Sebastian shares his background and journey into the veterinary space, including his experience with IT Gambit and his work with a vaccine manufacturer.
  • 1:56 – 03:59Founding Digitail
    • Sebastian discusses the founding of Digitail, inspired by the outdated practice management systems still used in many animal hospitals.
    • A story from an early visit to a practice highlights the inefficiencies caused by outdated systems, leading to the creation of Digitail.
  • 4:00 – 06:50AI’s Role in Practice Management
    • The conversation shifts to the explosion of AI technology and its potential in practice management.
    • Sebastian explains how AI can streamline various processes in a veterinary practice, from patient data management to billing and beyond.
  • 6:51 – 08:57Key AI Applications in Veterinary Practices
    • Sebastian introduces three impactful AI use cases: dictation, a general assistant, and patient intake.
    • He explains how AI can save time and improve efficiency, providing examples of how these applications work in real practice scenarios.
  • 8:58 – 11:50AI and Data Privacy
    • The discussion delves into the importance of data privacy and security in AI applications.
    • Sebastian outlines how Digitail ensures data confidentiality and compliance with regulations like GDPR, emphasizing the importance of protecting personal and sensitive information.
  • 11:51 – 13:56AI Model Training and Ethical Considerations
    • Sebastian talks about the challenges and ethical considerations of training AI models, including the balance between innovation and data privacy.
    • He highlights the importance of enterprise agreements and strict data handling protocols to ensure data is not misused.
  • 13:57 – 16:58Practical AI Applications for Practice Owners
    • Naren and Sebastian discuss practical ways practice owners can experiment with AI to improve productivity.
    • Examples include using AI for dictation, writing emails, and summarizing patient history, all aimed at saving time and enhancing efficiency.
  • 16:59 – 19:50AI in Practice: Real-world Success Stories
    • Sebastian shares success stories from practices using AI, including a significant boost in productivity and time savings.
    • Real-life examples illustrate how AI can help manage patient load and streamline operations in veterinary practices.
  • 19:51 – 21:52The Future of AI in Veterinary Medicine
    • The conversation wraps up with a look at the future of AI in veterinary medicine.
    • Sebastian emphasizes that while AI is a powerful tool, it is not a replacement for veterinary professionals. Instead, it enhances their capabilities, allowing them to focus on what they do best.
Sebastian Gabor

Founder of Digitail – helping vets see 2x more patients

Digitail was founded in 2018 by Sebastian Gabor (CEO) and Ruxandra Pui (CPO), who had previously founded the development studio and IT consultancy ITGambit together. Sebastian had experienced first-hand the frustratingly manual nature of pet care, after having to completely restart his dog’s vaccination plan following a mis-scheduled appointment. The company’s mission is to give veterinarians the ability to provide smarter, more effective, and personalized treatment to pets. By automating all the end-to-end needs of managing an animal hospital such as scheduling, record keeping, client communication, and inventory management, vets can see 2x more patients per day. There are over 750 clinics that are using Digitail daily to run their practice.

Connect with Sebastian Gabor

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/sebastiangabor
Website: digitail.com